[자바스크립트로하는 자료구조와 알고리즘] 6- 10장Web Dev/2. JS 알고리즘 2021. 5. 21. 00:49728x90
// 6-10장 // 6장 자바스크립트 객체 let javaScriptObject = {}; let testArray = [1,2,3,4]; javaScriptObject.array = testArray; javaScriptObject.title = 'Algorithms'; console.log(javaScriptObject); function ExampleClass() { this.name = "JavaScript"; this.sayName = function() { console.log(this.name) } } let example1 = new ExampleClass(); example1.sayName(); function ExampleClass2() { this.name = "JavaScript"; this.array = [1,2,3,4,5]; } ExampleClass2.prototype.sayName = function() { console.log("prototype", this.name) } let example2 = new ExampleClass2(); example2.sayName(); function ExampleClass3(name, size) { let privateName = name; let privateSize = size; this.getName = function() { return privateName } this.setName = function(name) { privateName = name; } this.getSize = function() { return privateSize; } this.setSize = function(size) { privateSize = size; } } let example = new ExampleClass3("Sammie", 3); example.setSize(12); console.log(example.privateName); console.log(example.getName()); console.log(example.size); console.log(example.getSize()); function Animal(name, animalType){ this.name = name; this.animalType = animalType; } Animal.prototype.sayName = function(){ console.log(this.name); } Animal.prototype.sayAnimalType = function(){ console.log(this.animalType); } function Dog(name){ Animal.call(this, name, "Dog") } Dog.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype); console.log("hello", Dog.prototype); let myAnimal = new Animal("ditto", "pokemon"); myAnimal.sayName(); myAnimal.sayAnimalType(); let myDog = new Dog("candy", "dog"); myDog.sayName(); myDog.sayAnimalType(); // 7장 자바스크립트 메모리 관리 function someLargeArray() { return new Array(1000000); } let exampleObj = { 'prop1': someLargeArray(), 'prop2': someLargeArray() } function printProperty(prop){ console.log(prop); } printProperty(exampleObj['prop1']); // 8장 재귀 // 기저조건(종료조건)이 꼭 있어야한다. function countDownToZero(n){ if(n < 0){ return; } console.log(n); countDownToZero(n-1); } countDownToZero(12); // 분할 정복 방식 const cache = {}; cache[0] = 0; cache[1] = 1; function getNthFibo(n){ if(n <= 1){ return n; } if(cache[n]){ return cache[n]; } const cur = getNthFibo(n-1) + getNthFibo(n-2); cache[n] = cur; return cur; } getNthFibo(10); function getNthFiboBetter(n, lastlast, last){ if(n === 0){ return lastlast; } if(n === 1){ return last; } return getNthFiboBetter(n-1, last, lastlast+last) } function pascalTriangle(row, col){ if(col === 0){ return 1; } if(row === 0){ return 0; } return pascalTriangle(row-1, col) + pascalTriangle(row-1, col-1); } console.log(pascalTriangle(5, 2)); // 재귀 알고리즘은 점화식을 통해서 분석한다. function base10ToString(n){ let binaryString = ""; function base10ToStringHelper(n){ if(n < 2) { binaryString += n; return; } base10ToStringHelper(Math.floor(n / 2)); // 나누는게 다끝나고 나서 나머지합산이 처리된다 base10ToStringHelper(n % 2); } base10ToStringHelper(n); return binaryString; } console.log(base10ToString(232)); // 배열의 모든 순열 출력하기 function swap(strArr, index1, index2){ let temp = strArr[index1]; strArr[index1] = strArr[index2]; strArr[index2] = temp; } function permute(strArr, begin, end){ if(begin === end){ console.log(strArr); return; } for(let i = begin; i < end + 1; i++){ swap(strArr, begin, i); permute(strArr, begin+1, end); swap(strArr, begin, i); } } function permuteArray(strArr){ permute(strArr, 0, strArr.length - 1); } // permuteArray(["A", "B", "C", "D"]); // 객체 펼치기 let dic = { "key1": "1", "key2": { "a": "2", "b": "3", "c": { "d": "3", "e": "1" } } } // 문제를 쪼개다가, 입력이 객체가 아닐때 종료한다 function flattenDictionary(dictionary){ let flattenedDictionary = {}; function flattenDictionaryHelper(dictionary, propName){ if(typeof dictionary !== 'object'){ flattenedDictionary[propName] = dictionary; return; } for(const [key, value] of Object.entries(dictionary)){ if(propName === ""){ flattenDictionaryHelper(dictionary[key], propName + key); }else{ flattenDictionaryHelper(dictionary[key], propName + "." + key); } } } flattenDictionaryHelper(dictionary, ""); return flattenedDictionary; } console.log(flattenDictionary(dic)); function isPalindromeRecursive(word){ return isPalindromeHelper(word, 0, word.length-1); } function isPalindromeHelper(word, beginPos, endPos){ if(beginPos >= endPos) return true; if(word.charAt(beginPos) !== word.charAt(endPos)){ return false; } return isPalindromeHelper(word, beginPos+1, endPos-1); } isPalindromeRecursive("hi"); // 9장 집합 function intersectSets(setA, setB){ const intersection = new Set(); for(let elem of setB){ if(setA.has(elem)){ intersection.add(elem); } } return intersection; } const setA = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4]); const setB = new Set([2, 3]); console.log(intersectSets(setA, setB)); function isSuperset(setA, subset){ for(let elem of subset){ if(!setA.has(elem)){ return false; } } return true; } let setAA = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4]); let setBB = new Set([2, 3]); let setC = new Set([5]); console.log(isSuperset(setAA, setBB)); console.log(isSuperset(setAA, setC)); function unionSet(setA, setB){ const union = new Set(setA); for(let elem of setB){ union.add(elem); } return union; } // console.log(unionSet(setAA, setBB)) // console.log(unionSet(setAA, setC)) // console.log(unionSet(setBB, setC)) function differenceSet(setA, setB){ const difference = new Set(setA); for(let elem of setB){ difference.delete(elem); } return difference; } console.log(differenceSet(setAA, setBB)) console.log(differenceSet(setAA, setC)) console.log(differenceSet(setBB, setC)) function checkDuplicates(arr){ const mySet = new Set(arr); return mySet.size < arr.length; } console.log(checkDuplicates([1,2,3,4,5,6])); console.log(checkDuplicates([1,1,2,3,4,5,6])) function uniqueList(arr1, arr2){ const mySet = new Set(arr1.concat(arr2)); return Array.from(mySet); } uniqueList([1,1,2,2], [2,3,4,5]); // 10장 검색과 정렬 function binarySearch(array, n){ let lowIndex = 0, highIndex = array.length - 1; while(lowIndex <= highIndex){ let midIndex = Math.floor((highIndex + lowIndex) / 2); if(array[midIndex] === n){ return midIndex; } if(n > array[midIndex]){ lowIndex = midIndex + 1; continue; } highIndex = midIndex - 1; } return -1; } console.log(binarySearch([1,2,3,4], 4)); console.log(binarySearch([1,2,3,4], 5)); // function swap(strArr, index1, index2){ // let temp = strArr[index1]; // strArr[index1] = strArr[index2]; // strArr[index2] = temp; // } // bubble sort function bubbleSort(array){ // i번째까지 체크(매 루프마다 끝나는데가 하나씩 준다 for(let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--){ for(let j = 0; j < i; j++){ if(array[j] > array[j+1]){ swap(array, j, j+1); } } } return array; } console.log(bubbleSort([6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])); function selectionSort(items){ let len = items.length; let min = 0; for(let i = 0; i < len; i++){ min = i; // 항상 제일앞이 최솟값이라고치고, 이 위치에다가 가져온다. for(let j = i+1; j < len; j++){ if(items[j] < items[min]){ min = j; } } if(i !== min){ swap(items, i, min); } } return items; } console.log(selectionSort([6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])); function insertSort(items){ let len = items.length; // 배열의 항목수 let value = 0; // 현재 비교중인 값 // let i = 0; // 정렬되지 않은 부분의 인덱스 // let j = 0; // 정렬된 부분까지의 인덱스 for(let i = 0; i < len; i++){ value = items[i]; // value는 현재선택된값 let j = i-1; while(j >= 0 && items[j] > value){ // value가 들어갈자리를 계속 한칸씩 밀어준다 items[j+1] = items[j]; j--; } items[j+1] = value; } return items; } console.log(insertSort([6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])); function quickSort(items){ return quickSortHelper(items, 0, items.length - 1); } function quickSortHelper(items, left, right){ if(items.length > 1){ let index = partition(items, left, right); // 쪼갠다 if(left < index - 1){ quickSortHelper(items, left, index-1); } if(index < right){ // 계속 pivot기준도 어딘가에 포함을 시켜준다. quickSortHelper(items, index, right) } } return items; } function partition(array, left, right){ let pivot = array[Math.floor((left+right) / 2)]; while(left <= right){ while(pivot > array[left]){ left++; // pivot보다 큰데서 멈춘다 } while(pivot < array[right]){ right--; // pivot보다 작은데서 멈춘다 } if(left <= right){ let temp = array[left]; array[left] = array[right]; array[right] = temp; left++; right--; } } return left; } console.log("quick", quickSort([6, 1, 3, 2, 5, 4])); console.log(quickSort([6, 1, 23, 4, 2, 3])); // quickSelect: 정렬되지 않은 목록에서 k번째로 작은 항목을 찾는 선택 알고리즘 // quick소트처럼 하는데 반쪽씩만 재귀적으로 수행한다. const array = [1, 3, 3, -2, 3, 14, 7, 8, 1, 2, 2]; function quickSelectInPlace(A, l, h, k){ const p = partition(A, l, h); if(p === (k-1)){ return A[p]; } if(p > k-1){ // 앞에 return quickSelectInPlace(A, l, p-1, k); }else{ // 뒤에 return quickSelectInPlace(A, p+1, h, k); } } quickSelectInPlace(array, 0, array.length-1, 5); quickSelectInPlace(array, 0, array.length-1, 10); // merge소트 function merge(leftA, rightA){ const results = []; let leftIndex = 0, rightIndex = 0; while(leftIndex < leftA.length && rightIndex < rightA.length){ if(leftA[leftIndex] < rightA[rightIndex]){ results.push(leftA[leftIndex++]); }else{ results.push(rightA[rightIndex++]); } } let leftRemains = leftA.slice(leftIndex), rightRemains = rightA.slice(rightIndex); return results.concat(leftRemains).concat(rightRemains); } function mergeSort(array){ if(array.length < 2){ return array; } let midpoint = Math.floor((array.length)/2), leftArray = array.slice(0, midpoint), rightArray = array.slice(midpoint); return merge(mergeSort(leftArray), mergeSort(rightArray)); } console.log(mergeSort([6, 1, 23, 4, 2, 3])); // 계수 정렬 function countSort(array){ const hash = {}, countArr = []; for(let i = 0; i < array.length; i++){ if(!hash[array[i]]){ hash[array[i]] = 1; }else{ hash[array[i]]++; } } for(let key in hash){ for(let i = 0; i < hash[key]; i++){ countArr.push(parseInt(key)); } } return countArr; } countSort([6,1,23,2,3,2,1,2,2,3,3,1,123,123,4,2,3]);
정렬은 어떻게 할때마다 조금씩 까먹는건지, 아주 놀라울따름... 이런 자료구조들을 얼른 좀 더 잘다룰수 있길.
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