[자바스크립트로하는 자료구조와 알고리즘] 1- 5장Web Dev/2. JS 알고리즘 2021. 5. 14. 16:19728x90
책이 매우 좋다. 자바스크립트로 이래저래 삽질하고 해왔던 사람이라면 이책으로 내용을 다 한번 정리하면 효과가 좋을 것 같다.
// O(n) function exampleLinear(n){ for(let i = 0; i < n; i++){ console.log(i); } } // O(n*n) function exampleLinear2(n){ for(let i = 0; i < n; i++){ for(let j = 0; j < n; j++){ console.log(j); } } } // O(n*n*n) function exampleLinear3(n){ for(let i = 0; i < n; i++){ for(let j = 0; j < n; j++){ for(let k = 0; k < n; k++){ console.log(k); } } } } // O(logN) function exampleLagartithmic(n){ for(let i = 2; i <=n; i = i*2){ console.log(i); } } // isEquivalent(a, b) function isEquivalent(a, b){ let aProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(a); // 프로퍼티만 뽑는다 let bProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(b); if(aProps.length != bProps.length){ return false; } for(let i = 0; i < aProps.length; i++){ let propName = aProps[i]; if(a[propName] !== b[propName]){ return false; } } return true; } isEquivalent({'hi': 12}, {'hi': 12}); // console.log({'hi': 12} == {'hi': 12},{'hi': 12} === {'hi': 12}) // 메모리 주소를 비교해서 다르다고 나온다. // 부호, 지수, 가수 // https://codetorial.net/articles/floating_point.html // 이진수 소수점으로: https://coming1007.tistory.com/205 function numberEquals(x, y){ return Math.abs(x-y) < Number.EPSILON; // 두개의 표현가능한 숫자 사이의 최소 차이 } numberEquals(0.1 + 0.2, 0.3) // 숫자 알고리즘 function isPrime(n){ if(n <= 1) return false; if(n <= 3) return true; if(n % 2 == 0 || n % 3 == 0) return false; for(let i = 5; i * i <= n; i += 6){ if(n % i == 0 || n % (i+2) == 0){ return false; } } return true; } function primeFactors(n){ while(n%2 == 0){ console.log(2); n = n / 2; } for(let i = 3; i*i <= n; i+=2){ while(n%i==0){ console.log(i); n = n/i; } } if(n > 2){ // 소수인 경우 console.log(n); } } primeFactors(200); function example1(base, exponent, modulus){ return Math.pow(base, exponent) % modulus; } function example1_2(base, exponent, modulus){ if(modulus === 1) return 0; let value = 1; for(let i = 0; i < exponent; i++){ value = (value * base) % modulus; } return value; } function isPrime3(n){ for(let i = 0; i <= n; i++){ if(isPrime(i)){ console.log(i); } } } isPrime3(100); function maxDivide(number, divisor){ while(number % divisor === 0){ number /= divisor; } return number; } function isUgly(number){ number = maxDivide(number, 2); number = maxDivide(number, 3); number = maxDivide(number, 5); return number === 1; } function arrayN(n){ let counter = 0, currentNumber = 1, uglyNums = []; while(counter !== n){ if(isUgly(currentNumber)){ counter++; uglyNums.push(currentNumber); } currentNumber++; } return uglyNums; } arrayN(11); 'dog'.charAt(1) 'youtube'.substring(1, 2); 'youtube'.substring(3, 7); console.log('a' < 'b') // 사전순 console.log('add' < 'b') 'Red Dragon'.indexOf('Red'); 'Red Dragon'.indexOf('Blue'); function existsInString(stringValue, search){ return stringValue.indexOf(search) !== -1; } console.log(existsInString('red', 'r')); console.log(existsInString('red', 'b')); // 문자가 몇개 등장하는지 확인 let str = "He's my king from this day until his last day"; let count = 0; let pos = str.indexOf('a'); while(pos!== -1){ count++; pos = str.indexOf('a', pos+1); } console.log(count); 'Red Dragon'.startsWith('Red'); 'Red Dragon'.endsWith('Dragon'); 'Red Dragon'.startsWith('Dragon'); 'Red Dragon'.endsWith('Red'); let test1 = 'chicken,noodle,soup,broth'; test1.split(",") test1.split("") "Wizard of Oz".replace("Wizard", "witch"); "Apples hello apples and orange and strawberry".replace(/apples/gi, "hello") let str1 = "JavaScript DataStructures"; let n = str1.search(/DataStructures/); console.log(n); function regexTest(){ let reg = /\d+/; console.log(reg.test("123")); let reg2 = /^\d+$/; console.log(reg2.test("123a")); let reg3 = /^[0-9]*.[0-9]*[1-9]*$/ // let reg3 = /^[0-9]*.[0-9]*[1-9]+$/ console.log("12", reg3.test("12")); console.log("1", reg3.test("1")); } regexTest(); let dictionary = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789".split(''); function encodeId(num){ let base = dictionary.length; let encoded = ''; if(num === 0) return dictionary[0]; while(num > 0){ console.log('num', num, base, num % base, Math.floor(num / base)) encoded += dictionary[(num % base)]; num = Math.floor(num / base); } console.log("encoded", encoded); return reverseWord(encoded); } function reverseWord(str){ let reversed = ""; for(let i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){ reversed += str.charAt(i); } // 앞에있을수록 나중에 더해진 것임(reverse해서) return reversed; } function decodeId(id){ let base = dictionary.length; let decoded = 0; // 마지막 몫 for(let index = 0; index < id.split("").length; index++){ decoded = decoded * base + dictionary.indexOf(id.charAt(index)); // 그다음 몫 + 나머지 } return decoded; } console.log(encodeId(11231230)); console.log(decodeId('VhU2')) // 자바스크립트의 배열 const arr = [1,2,3,4,5]; findSum(arr, 9); function findSum(arr, weight){ for(let i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++){ for(let j = i; j < arr.length; j++){ if(arr[i] + arr[j] === weight){ return [i, j] // [arr[i], arr[j]]; // 인덱스 반환 } } } return -1; } function findSumBetter(arr, weight){ const hashtable = {}; for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){ let currentElem = arr[i]; let diff = weight - currentElem; // arr[i] 가 5라면 차이가 4인 경우에는 5가 뽑혔던 것? console.log(currentElem, diff, hashtable); if(hashtable[currentElem] !== undefined){ // 차이 5를 만들었던 인덱스가 있는지(4가 차이 5를 만든다) return [i, hashtable[currentElem]]; }else{ // 차이 diff를 인덱스 i가 만든다는 것을 기록 hashtable[diff] = i; // diff가 4일때는 4번째 요소인 5가 뽑혔던 것 } } } console.log(findSumBetter(arr, 9)); // slice 구현 function arraySlice(array, beginIndex, endIndex){ if(!beginIndex && !endIndex){ return array; } if(!endIndex){ endIndex = array.length; } const partArray = []; for(let i = beginIndex; i < endIndex; i++){ partArray.push(array[i]); } return partArray; } arraySlice([1,2,3,4], 1,2); // median function medianOfArray(array){ const length = array.length; if(length % 2 === 1){ return array[Math.floor(length / 2)]; } return (array[length/2] + array[length/2 - 1]) / 2; } function medianOfTwoSortedArray(arr1, arr2, pos){ if(pos <= 0) return -1; if(pos === 1) return (arr1[0], arr2[0]) / 2; if(pos === 2) { return (Math.max(arr1[0], arr2[0]) + Math.min(arr1[1], arr2[1])) / 2 } let median1 = medianOfArray(arr1); let median2 = medianOfArray(arr2); if(median1 === median2){ return median1; } let evenOffset = pos % 2 === 0 ? 1 : 0; // 배열 짝수면 1, 홀수면 0 let offsetMinus = Math.floor(pos/2) - evenOffset; let offsetPlus = pos - Math.floor(pos/2) + evenOffset; if(median1 < median2) { return medianOfTwoSortedArray(arr1.slice(offsetMinus), arr2.slice(0, -offsetMinus), offsetPlus); }else{ return medianOfTwoSortedArray(arr2.slice(offsetMinus), arr1.slice(0, -offsetMinus), offsetPlus); } } medianOfTwoSortedArray([1,2,3], [4,5,6], 3) medianOfTwoSortedArray([11,23,24], [32,33,450], 3) medianOfTwoSortedArray([1,2,3], [2,3,5], 3) function commonElements(kArray){ let hashmap = {}; let last = null; let answer = []; for(let i = 0; i < kArray.length; i++){ let currentArray = kArray[i]; last = null; for(let j = 0; j < currentArray.length; j++){ let currentElement = currentArray[j]; if(last !== currentElement){ if(!hashmap[currentElement]){ hashmap[currentElement] = 1; }else{ hashmap[currentElement]++; } } last = currentElement; } } for(let prop in hashmap){ if(hashmap[prop] === kArray.length){ answer.push(parseInt(prop)); } } return answer; } commonElements([[1,2,3], [1,2,3,4], [1,2]]); let M = [ [1,2,3,4,5], [6,7,8,9,10], [11,12,13,14,15], [16,17,18,19,20] ] function spiralPrint(M){ let topRow = 0, leftCol = 0, btmRow = M.length - 1, rightCol = M[0].length - 1; while(topRow < btmRow && leftCol < rightCol){ // 우선 시작하는 열의 column을 다 출력한다. for(let col = 0; col <= rightCol; col++){ console.log(M[topRow][col]); } // 다음행으로 topRow++; for(let row = topRow; row <= btmRow; row++){ console.log(M[row][rightCol]); } rightCol--; if(topRow <= btmRow){ for(let col = rightCol; col >= 0; col--){ console.log(M[btmRow][col]); } btmRow--; } if(leftCol <= rightCol){ for(let row = btmRow; row > topRow; row--){ console.log(M[row][leftCol]); } leftCol++; } } } spiralPrint(M); function checkRow(rowArr, letter){ for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++){ if(rowArr[i] !== letter){ return false; } } return true; } function checkColumn(gameBoardMatrix, columnIndex, letter){ for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++){ if(gameBoardMatrix[i][columnIndex] !== letter){ return false; } } return true; } function ticTacTowWinner(gameBoardMatrix, letter){ let rowWin = checkRow(gameBoardMatrix[0], letter) || checkRow(gameBoardMatrix[1], letter) || checkRow(gameBoardMatrix[2], letter) let colWin = checkColumn(gameBoardMatrix, 0, letter) || checkColumn(gameBoardMatrix, 1, letter) || checkColumn(gameBoardMatrix, 2, letter) let diagonalWinLeftToRight = (gameBoardMatrix[0][0]===letter && gameBoardMatrix[1][1]===letter && gameBoardMatrix[2][2]===letter ) let diagonalWinRightToLeft = (gameBoardMatrix[0][2]===letter && gameBoardMatrix[1][1]===letter && gameBoardMatrix[2][0]===letter ) return rowWin || colWin || diagonalWinLeftToRight || diagonalWinRightToLeft; } const board = [ ['o', '-', 'x'], ['-', 'o', '-'], ['-', 'x', 'o'] ] ticTacTowWinner(board, 'x'); ticTacTowWinner(board, 'o');
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